
Friday, May 27, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The "Douche Bags"

Aahh, the single life. A life of freedom, independence, and exploration. The time in your life when you are trying to weed through all the guys (or girls) to find that one person who fits you perfectly. (Unless you don't believe in that then you might as well quit reading now.) A time filled with excitement and a lot of firsts-first date, first kiss, first heart-to-heart talks, first slumber parties.

But shortly, or later on, you start noticing a change. The change could be really good or it could be a bit discouraging. But it's a definite change. And sometimes it's no fault to anyone, it just happens. Let me elaborate...

Every guy starts at square one. At square one every guy is considered a good guy (all it takes is a smile). So the journey begins....You begin walking along a path with this good guy and this path can be as short as a matter of seconds (when he speaks his first words to you) or it can go on for a while. But nonetheless, you are on a path. So you're going along and you glance up ahead to see that the path is about to break off into different paths. As you get closer, this is where you start noticing the change I was speaking of earlier. You start slowing down as you approach the separations and there are signs labeling each new path. To your left, the sign says, "The Good," which is very, very narrow, only enough room for two people to walk beside each other. You look for the next sign in the middle that says, "The Bad," which is very wide and worn down. Then to your immediate right the path is labeled, "The Douche Bags." As you look closer, this path doesn't seem to go on for very long, it's almost as if it just ends at a cliff and whoever falls over it will fall into a different dimension never to be seen again. (I say that because when you determine the guy is going down this path, you won't want to be seeing him again.)

So here we are, approaching this crucial point in the relationship journey. Like I said earlier, this journey could last only a matter of seconds or a few days or months or even years. Regardless, this guy is about to veer off somewhere and guess who's steering the guy's ship? The woman. (Usually. At least all the women I know because I know they are great, smart women and know what they want.) Which means the guy rarely has any input about which path is sent down (you are just along for the ride fellas, sorry but it's true). As the captain of this journey, you are in complete control of where to send this guy. So let's review what each path means and how to determine which path the guy belongs on.

Let's begin with the path labeled, "The Bad."

"Bad" guys aren't necessarily the trouble-makers that you typically would associate with "The Bad" guy. Guys sent down this path can simply be just not the right fit for you. Maybe there's no physical attraction, maybe he's not attentive enough for you, there's no intelligent conversation or whatever. Maybe he's just not that much fun and doesn't make you laugh. This is why this particular path is so very wide and worn down. There are so many guys that get sent down this path. And this isn't a cheap shot at guys going down this path, this is just one woman's journey. The next journey you're on you may go down a totally different path.

Now let's move to the path that everyone is so anxiously waiting to hear about, I can feel it. "The Douche Bag" path. Where do I even begin? The term "douche bag" is interchangeable with words such as, "idiot" or "jackass" or any words of the like. Now a "douche bag" can mean different things to different people. What I think is "douchy" may not be "douchy" to you or someone else and vice versa. But let me give you a taste of what I consider to be "douche bag" material.
-Wardrobe. (There are certain brands of clothing that scream "I'm a douche." Some of you may know them, while others don't. Some of you may defend the clothing while some may agree with me. Like I said, this is my list, everyone's is different.)
-Immaturity. (Age isn't always the factor with this, young guys can sometimes be more mature than older guys. I don't get it, but it happens.)
-Pretentiousness. (Do I really need to explain this one?)
There are so many other qualities that I just can't list them all. It's just a small taste, people.

And last but not least, the best path of all, "The Good." This path is so very narrow that only two people can fit on it side by side, the guy....and you. This is the path that only one special guy gets sent down, check that, he isn't sent, he is you. This will usually be a mutual decision and there's really no other option of paths which is makes it very easy to choose. This is when you grab each other's hand and veer to the left into your future together. When you go down this path, it makes all the guys you had to deal with on the other journeys worth the trouble because it brought you to this point. This is the path, I like to believe, is the path where dreams come true.

How do you know which path to send the guy on, you ask? As cliche as it is, you'll just know.

So I wish you well on all your journeys. May you take a left in the near future, or distant future, whatever you want to do. Keep on keepin' on, my friends.