
Friday, May 11, 2012

30 Things By The Time You're 30

Growing up, I wasn’t fond of reading books. I found other things to do with my time, like make mud pies in the back yard. But as I’ve gotten older and distanced myself from so many distractions (College. Enough said.), I’ve began to look forward to lounging on the couch and getting sucked into a good book. I wish I could say I read intelligent, educational, historical books but I can’t. Truth is I gravitate towards the inspirational genre. (Ok, I admit it! I read self-help books and most people would think that’s lame but I don’t care. I find enjoyment in it. At least I’m reading something!)
Recently, I was drawn to a new book that resonated with me in this uncertain time in my life.


It’s a list of the must-haves and must-knows for women turning thirty, remembering thirty, or looking forward to thirty. Each item on the list is expanded by essays written by some of the world’s most wise and wonderful women.

Thirty has never been a fear of mine. Actually, I’m anxiously waiting to turn thirty. I like to believe that I’ll have my stuff figured out by then. If not, I will someday. Not to say that I’m trying to rush through life to get to thirty but it definitely is a milestone to look forward to. This book has many memorable quotes and stories that are relatable but I can’t help but think about a line Carrie said in the Sex and the City movie, “Enjoy yourself. That’s what your 20’s are for. Your 30’s are to learn the lessons. Your 40’s are to buy the drinks.” Believe me, the first half of my 20’s I enjoyed fully. The second half, let’s just say, has been a bit of an adjustment. But 30, I know is going to be a great decade for me. I will own my 30’s!

I highly recommend this book to any female over the age of 21. It’s a quick read but full of inspiration, wisdom and advice for all women.

“Thirty is when you stop the comparathon: the rat race that has you constantly looking over your shoulder to see how everyone else is doing at work/love/fitting into their skinny jeans. It’s tempting, after all, to see your twenties as your chance to make your mark. So you do your best, and you keep one eye on everyone else doing theirs…Life isn’t a contest—beauty, popularity, or otherwise. And there’s happiness to go around for all of us. Besides, at thirty, most of us start noticing that the most meaningful moments in life so far have happened when we weren’t trying so damn hard…We’re all on different time lines and need to realize life isn’t a race. So what if someone else gets promoted first? Or has flatter abs, or more mysteriously perfect hair. Gets pregnant first—or stays gloriously single longer? High-five her. That’s her race. Then walk on.”