
Thursday, May 8, 2014

It's Misting Men! Hallelujah! It's Misting Men!

*I've spent way too much time trying to figure out why the formatting is such a clusterf*ck. This is the best it's going to get.
How many chances does a person deserve to prove they are worthy? 
How many disappointments and letdowns will it take for you to realize they are, indeed, not worthy? I have such blind optimism in some people that no matter how many times they fail me I still believe they are good and good things can still develop with them. Recently, I was in limbo about pursuing a relationship with an old flame. An old flame that has had a hold on my heart for a long time. An old flame who I thought after our college years (when we first dated) would finally grow into the man he is meant to be. Turns out, 6 years isn't enough time to mature. Turns out, approaching 30 years of age isn't enough encouragement to evaluate yourself and maybe, just maybe, you should work on a few things to make you a better person. Fortunately this time around, it didn't take long for me to realize just how stunted you are in your emotional development. And upon this realization, I stumbled across this...
The 14 Differences Between the Boys You Date and the Men You Marry

Check out the full article here:

It's a shame, really. It's a shame you don't see your potential. It's a shame you are just OK with how you are right at this moment and see no need to change. After all, the woman you marry will be just OK that you have no ambition to become a better person for her, right? (Doubtful.) 
I've read in so many places that if you want to marry someone, become the type of person you'd want to marry. You want to marry someone who is selfless? Learn to be selfless. You want to marry someone who is caring? Learn to be caring. And when you start to display these qualities, you will attract people with the same qualities. It's not that difficult. 
So instead of wallowing in self-pity because all your friends are married and you thought you would be married by now, try looking in the mirror. Evaluate yourself. Humble yourself. Because I can promise you it's not the fault of all the other girls in the world. 
Lucky for me, I've finally seen all I need to see to make the decision to walk away for good. No longer will a confession and outburst of love sway me to give you yet another chance. All I hear are empty words.