
Thursday, May 8, 2014

It's Misting Men! Hallelujah! It's Misting Men!

*I've spent way too much time trying to figure out why the formatting is such a clusterf*ck. This is the best it's going to get.
How many chances does a person deserve to prove they are worthy? 
How many disappointments and letdowns will it take for you to realize they are, indeed, not worthy? I have such blind optimism in some people that no matter how many times they fail me I still believe they are good and good things can still develop with them. Recently, I was in limbo about pursuing a relationship with an old flame. An old flame that has had a hold on my heart for a long time. An old flame who I thought after our college years (when we first dated) would finally grow into the man he is meant to be. Turns out, 6 years isn't enough time to mature. Turns out, approaching 30 years of age isn't enough encouragement to evaluate yourself and maybe, just maybe, you should work on a few things to make you a better person. Fortunately this time around, it didn't take long for me to realize just how stunted you are in your emotional development. And upon this realization, I stumbled across this...
The 14 Differences Between the Boys You Date and the Men You Marry

Check out the full article here:

It's a shame, really. It's a shame you don't see your potential. It's a shame you are just OK with how you are right at this moment and see no need to change. After all, the woman you marry will be just OK that you have no ambition to become a better person for her, right? (Doubtful.) 
I've read in so many places that if you want to marry someone, become the type of person you'd want to marry. You want to marry someone who is selfless? Learn to be selfless. You want to marry someone who is caring? Learn to be caring. And when you start to display these qualities, you will attract people with the same qualities. It's not that difficult. 
So instead of wallowing in self-pity because all your friends are married and you thought you would be married by now, try looking in the mirror. Evaluate yourself. Humble yourself. Because I can promise you it's not the fault of all the other girls in the world. 
Lucky for me, I've finally seen all I need to see to make the decision to walk away for good. No longer will a confession and outburst of love sway me to give you yet another chance. All I hear are empty words.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wishful Thinking

I wish I wasn’t so forgiving.

I wish I wasn’t so optimistic.

I wish I didn’t care about the opinions of others.

I wish people could see you the way I see you.

I wish you could be the man I know you can be.

I wish you could be the man I want you to be.

To be the man I need you to be.

I wish there was something that annoyed me so badly about you that I couldn’t imagine spending my life with you.

I wish it wasn’t so easy to have fun with you.

I wish you weren’t so sweet.  

I wish my stomach wouldn’t jump when you touch me.

I wish I wasn’t so attached to you.

I wish I could just look in your eyes and that be enough.

I wish I knew the difference between loving you and loving the thought of you.

I wish that memory could be erased.

I wish all those years weren’t just a waste.

That those years weren’t heartbreak after heartbreak.

I wish I could trust you.

Trust that what you say is what you will actually do.

Trust that history won’t repeat itself.

I wish my thoughts wouldn’t be consumed by you.

I wish my head would agree with my heart.

I wish my family and friends could understand my heart.

I wish my head wasn’t so overpowering.

I wish when I meet someone new I don’t immediately compare them to you.

I wish distance would be the solution.

I wish I could let myself feel that way again.

I wish I didn’t have to flaunt our failed relationship in front of you every time we’re together.

I wish I wasn’t a constant reminder of what you screwed up.

Of what we could’ve been.

Of what we could be.

I wish I didn’t have to say no to you.

I wish I could look in your eyes and not see sadness.

Not see regret.

Not see disappointment.

I wish I could help you.

I wish you could truly move on.

And let me go.

I wish you would move mountains to be with me.

I wish you would find another me.

A better me.

I wish I could find another you.

A better you.

I wish you would let me find another you.

I wish I didn’t have to find another you.





Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It is such a turnoff to me when a guy doesn't use the SHIFT key.

its like he is so damn lazy to reach his little pinky over to use proper grammar punctuation or whatever its called. luckily he knows how to use the period key. that helps. a little. and on top of not using the shift key he wont spell out the word you but uses u instead. really?

Maybe I should've made myself a little more clear in my profile.

I don't date guys who don't use the SHIFT key.

(This also applies to text messages. I don't care if it's common text protocol or whatever to keep everything lower case and no punctuation, it makes you sound like an idiot.*)

*My mother is an exception. She is not an idiot and can text however she wants.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

No smile, no chance

I'm going to make this post short and sweet.

If not one of your profile pictures has you smiling then you don't stand a chance with me. And most likely any woman. I can't speak for all women but do your research and you'll find we value a sense of humor in men. When all your posted pictures are close-mouthed, it tells me that you are either a stick in the mud or hiding a seriously jacked up set of teeth.

Either way, I'm out. NEXT!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Whoa. What a hiatus I’ve been on from this blog. Yowzas.

So clearly, I’m not 26 anymore. L

Turns out, I’m 28.

I’m also employed. (Finally. Thank God.)

But still single.

While I could ramble on about the last two years and how so much has happened I’m going to save you the time since most of you reading this lived through it with me. And I thank you tremendously for that.

Anyway, a new development is happening that I have yet to announce to anyone. And it’s a big one so bear down.

I recently made the decision to participate in online dating. Dun dun duuuunnnn.

Yup. It’s happening, folks.

It’s a debate in my head that has been brewing for years but I’ve never been in the financial situation to support such a luxury expense.  Until now. (Don’t for a second think I’m here rolling in the dough cause I’m far from it.)

I’m picking back up this blogging thing to entertain you with my online dating experience because it is sure to amuse the few readers who may come across it as it has done in the past. Like the one about my boobs. Ha. That was a good one.

So here we go!

I fully expect a sarcastic beat down from some of you about this decision but I like to think behind that sarcasm curtain you hold up is curiosity, timidity and fear. At least I’m strong enough to put myself out there with this. So feel free to live vicariously through me and maybe learn a thing or two, possibly about yourself.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Second Half Team

Hello, all! We are at month six of the Year of Kenna! I wish I was genuine about that exclamation point but let's face it, I'm still in a valley trying to get to the top of the mountain. However, there has been some uplifting occurances since my last post.

Ladies and gentlemen, you are reading the blog of Brace(LESS) Face!! That's right, no more brace face! To celebrate such a monumental day, I popped in my mouth one of the many restricted items you can't have with braces.

A giant gumball.

One step out of that doctor's office and I felt a shift in the universe. For the past two years, I had been waiting and waiting to get these braces off. As if life was at a stand still until my teeth were back to normal. I'd say, "Once I get these braces off, I'll be able to flirt with guys again." Or, "I'll pursue that job when I get these braces off so I will look more professional."

But, now there are no more excuses. Nothing to hide behind. And life can get back on course again. Life can start progressing and improving! I am confident good things will start happening. I'll come out the second half like the OKC Thunder, taking the lead and keeping it until the buzzer sounds! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

30 Things By The Time You're 30

Growing up, I wasn’t fond of reading books. I found other things to do with my time, like make mud pies in the back yard. But as I’ve gotten older and distanced myself from so many distractions (College. Enough said.), I’ve began to look forward to lounging on the couch and getting sucked into a good book. I wish I could say I read intelligent, educational, historical books but I can’t. Truth is I gravitate towards the inspirational genre. (Ok, I admit it! I read self-help books and most people would think that’s lame but I don’t care. I find enjoyment in it. At least I’m reading something!)
Recently, I was drawn to a new book that resonated with me in this uncertain time in my life.


It’s a list of the must-haves and must-knows for women turning thirty, remembering thirty, or looking forward to thirty. Each item on the list is expanded by essays written by some of the world’s most wise and wonderful women.

Thirty has never been a fear of mine. Actually, I’m anxiously waiting to turn thirty. I like to believe that I’ll have my stuff figured out by then. If not, I will someday. Not to say that I’m trying to rush through life to get to thirty but it definitely is a milestone to look forward to. This book has many memorable quotes and stories that are relatable but I can’t help but think about a line Carrie said in the Sex and the City movie, “Enjoy yourself. That’s what your 20’s are for. Your 30’s are to learn the lessons. Your 40’s are to buy the drinks.” Believe me, the first half of my 20’s I enjoyed fully. The second half, let’s just say, has been a bit of an adjustment. But 30, I know is going to be a great decade for me. I will own my 30’s!

I highly recommend this book to any female over the age of 21. It’s a quick read but full of inspiration, wisdom and advice for all women.

“Thirty is when you stop the comparathon: the rat race that has you constantly looking over your shoulder to see how everyone else is doing at work/love/fitting into their skinny jeans. It’s tempting, after all, to see your twenties as your chance to make your mark. So you do your best, and you keep one eye on everyone else doing theirs…Life isn’t a contest—beauty, popularity, or otherwise. And there’s happiness to go around for all of us. Besides, at thirty, most of us start noticing that the most meaningful moments in life so far have happened when we weren’t trying so damn hard…We’re all on different time lines and need to realize life isn’t a race. So what if someone else gets promoted first? Or has flatter abs, or more mysteriously perfect hair. Gets pregnant first—or stays gloriously single longer? High-five her. That’s her race. Then walk on.”