
Friday, March 11, 2011

Let's Do Lunch

Romantic comedies...can suck it!

That's right. I said it.

They have officially ruined my perception and understanding of love and relationships. Real life isn't like the movies. (Although it should be.) Sometimes there aren't "sparks" when you meet someone "special." Sometimes the first kiss isn't "fireworks." Does that make a person any less the person you are meant to be with forever?

I'm starting to

But do the "sparks" and "fireworks" come later?

I've always said and heard that the best relationships begin with a solid friendship. Great. I can do that. But when does the switch happen? When do you see them as friend one day and the next day you are in love with them? And what about the sexual attraction? Should that always be there from the beginning of the friendship or does it develop later too? When does the switch happen? Does it happen after the fourth date? Does it happen on a major holiday? Does it happen after you experience a trajedy together? Does it happen after an amazing concert? Does it happen over a lunch on a Tuesday? When does the switch happen?!

And what if the switch never comes? How long do you keep investing time and energy into a new friendship/relationship before you realize they aren't "The One?" Then how do you get out of it?! Yikes!

One of the worst things is to keep pursuing a relationship that just doesn't have the "It" factor. But what if its the kind of relationship that develops its magic later? You just don't know.

Everyone is different. Everyone's story is different. That's the beauty of it. You get your own, custom, personal, like-no-one-else story of your life. Why waste so much time and energy comparing your story to everyone else's? Or to the movies? Why waste so much time and energy trying to find all the answers right away? Life isn't meant to be lived with reservation and timidity . Life is supposed to be about taking leaps! Sometimes you'll fly, sometimes you'll land back on the ground and take off in another direction. Sometimes you won't take off at all. But at least you tried to take off.

Nobody knows what the future holds. We aren't meant to know. What a boring life that would be. But with all this confusion, curiosity, anxiety, frustration and the unknown of love and relationships, no matter what, I'll get my happy ending. Someday. But until then, I'll just enjoy my ride!

Disclaimer: I realize that the last quarter of this blog sounds like a fat, ugly cliche, but it's the truth. And it eases my mind so soak it in people!

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