
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms?

I enjoy meeting new people. I enjoy discovering things about them. I also enjoy allowing someone else to discover things about me. And how you discover things about people is by asking them questions. Questions like, "Where did you grow up?," "Do you have any siblings?," and my favorite, "What do you like to do for fun?"

What do you like to do for fun?

I was being sarcastic when I said it was my favorite question. Honestly, I hate answering that question. And here's why. I think there is a difference between doing something for fun and doing something you just enjoy. Here's an example: I like to lay in bed and read books. I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm having fun but I do enjoy it. What's really fun for me is hanging out with family and friends or physical activity like sports or concerts. So how are you supposed to answer that question? Do you tell them the things you do in your daily life that you enjoy or do you tell them the fun things you only get to do every once in a while? I might get to do one really fun thing once a month, whether it be a round of golf, having a dance party with my best friend, drinking beers with my sisters, or attending a concert with a group of friends. But my daily life really isn't that fun. Every day is pretty much the same. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, lounge on the couch and go get in bed and read a book before I fall asleep then do it all again the next day. You wanna know what life is really like at 25? There it is.

Some nights I question if I should be out doing something. I mean hell, I'm 25. I spend almost every night watching tv then going straight to bed...before midnight. Sometimes I feel like I should be going out to clubs every night or tearing up the town..wait, what am I saying..I live in Wichita, Kansas, there's not a whole lot of options. But what should typical 25 year olds be doing? I'm working a full-time job, searching for a new job to begin my career, I've already finished college (for now), and paying bills so at some point responsibility has to kick in. But I'm truly ok with my sad, lame, same every day schedule.

So here I sit on a Tuesday evening, watching tv, blogging and yawning. Awesome. Gah, no wonder I'm single. I don't do anything! How am I supposed to find a boyfriend when I spend every night on this couch? (I jokingly say that my boyfriend is the tv or I have a hot date with my remote.) But then again, I've always said that I don't want to find a boyfriend at a bar. So where does that leave me? Hoping to magically meet a guy on the cereal aisle at the grocery store ooorrrr online dating. Double awesome.

Here's to hoping!! Tink Tink!

1 comment:

  1. orrrr....going out with me tomorrow night, to put yourself out there to meet someone and skipping b.class ;)
