
Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Won't Be Mad If You Don't Read This

Time to blog it out! Let's goooo!!!

Ok, so for some reason the past couple days my mind has been all over the place and not staying on one thought longer than 3 seconds before moving on to something else. Very spastic. For instance, I'm writing this blog with no central topic idea but yet I'm typing cause I know, eventually, something will formulate into a complete thought and you'll be the first to know it!

So thoughts running through my head just this morning: "Time was changed so the clock says 6:30 a.m. but really it's 7:30 and that's why you're waking up so just go back to sleep." Immediately followed by, "I really need to look for another job." On top of, "How am I going to hang my snowflakes if I can't reach the ceiling?" And, "Mom is so going to love the Christmas cards I made!" With a dose of, "Why am I rushing this whole growing up thing? I'm 26. There's no need to hurry." Also, "I think I need a rolling pin to make homemade biscuits. Damn. I don't have a rolling pin."

Can you see how my anxiety just zooms through the roof?! Too many thoughts for it being a lazy Sunday. And that was just the PG13 thoughts. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe I won't develop a central topic for this blog cause I'm sure as hell not sitting here for 3 hours racking my brain for a topic just to please my audience. Hayaright. But something has to change. The spastic behavior of my brain must cease cause it's only stressing me out even more than usual. Does anyone have any suggestions or helpful hints? Besides prescription drugs.

Alright, it's official. This is the shortest, full of nonsense blog I've written. Attention span has moved on to pancakes.

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