
Monday, April 30, 2012

Keep Calm & Carry On. (And Have a Drink. Or Two.)

Guess who’s back?! It has been yet another long stint with no updates mainly due to some significant changes in my life, just as I expected there to be this year.

Today is the last day of the fourth month of 2012. If anyone is counting, that leaves eight months to find a job in the design industry to jumpstart my career. April was a slow month on the job hunt side but very eventful in other sides of life. As my title indicates, 2012 is a year of changes. Let’s review the changes so far. I’ve sent out a total of 44 resumes across the country (with no avail), cut off all my hair, was a redhead for two months, quit my job, moved out of another apartment, was a victim of theft, bottom braces were removed and moved home with my parents. Dream come true, eh?

Although my circumstances these days aren’t ideal, it has been such a blessing to be able to spend so much time with my parents and be able to help them around the house. It has definitely helped to calm my nerves during this stressful time in my life. I’ve been able to put all my focus in my job hunt which has also been very beneficial. And I can’t complain about the home-cooking and happy hours!

I see the silver lining of it all every day.

But as each month comes and goes, the panic sets in even more. My motivation is still as strong as it was four months ago. The difference between January and April though is I’m actually seeing progress now. I’m marking things off my list faster than I would have had I stayed in Wichita with so many distractions. I just hope results come as fast. 

I wish I could reveal more but conclusions are still developing on certain subjects. Stay tuned!

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