
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Be the Change

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."  - Gandhi

I can't recall the first time I heard this quote. I can't recall ever feeling like I could do anything to change the world. I can't even recall where the hell I put that freakin' juicer recipe book!

For some reason, this particular quote came to my mind first thing Monday morning. It felt, as though, I would need those words to get me through that day. Normally, I don't suffer from the 'Mondays.' It's just another day of work for me. But this Monday, I was feeling the worst case of the 'Mondays.' The weight of all my stresses came pouring down on my shoulders like wet sand. I could barely find the strength to stand. A chair wasn't even going to cut it. I needed a bed, a blanket, and to curl up into fetal position.

Be the change you wish to see in yourself.

I've been so focused on myself, my life and my dreams. No wonder I'm so stressed. I've been spending all my time trying to control everything. Even the things I have no power to control. The arrow has always pointed inward. Finally, about 20 minutes before my lunch break I came to the realization that I needed to change the way I was thinking. I needed to turn the arrow away from me and point it toward others. If I refocus my energy into helping others then it would surely lift my spirits. If I refocus my energy into helping others then my thoughts wouldn't be so crowded with feelings of discouragment, worry and fear.

Be the change you wish to see.

As Christians, we are told to seek help and guidance and answers in the bible. Everything we ever need is in that book. Well, here I am, a Christian, admitting that even though I'm struggling more than I ever have in my life, my eyes aren't glued to the words in the bible like I know they should be. I pray constantly but I know there is more to it. I can discipline myself to eating breakfast everyday but why can't I discipline myself to reading God's word everyday? I can discipline myself to brushing my teeth everyday but why can't I discipline myself to spend just a couple minutes in God's word everyday? I'm acting as though it's a hassle to just open the bible and start reading. I'm acting as though watching TV is more important than learning how God is working in my life.

I am asking for so many changes in my life this year. Some I have no control over but some I actually do.

Be the change.

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