
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Play Time is Over

Finally, this year is over. 2011 was so full of ups and downs, I felt like I was walking through the canyons in northwest Oklahoma. Exhausting, to say the least. But I made it through, thank God. And I have complete faith that 2012 will bring something great for me!

We are 10 days into the new year and I already feel more motivated and excited for the next 12 months than I ever was in the last 12 months. I'm not big on making resolutions, much less, keeping them but this year is and will be different. I finally had one of those "Ah-ha" moments and decided that it's time for me to take control of my life. I'm 26 and (almost) completely independent. I need to get out of this rut I've been in for what seems like 5 years but really it's only been like 1 year. I've graduated college (twice) and need to get out in this big, bad world. Every month that passes that I stay in this town, I feel myself getting more and more sheltered. I need to challenge myself and stretch out my wings to see if I can fly.

In three days, I've sent out a total of 18 resumes to various design positions across the country. Although there are some positions I'm clearly not qualified for I still choose to send my resume simply because you never know. I just know there is someone out there that will take a chance on me. I don't know where but there is someone out there that will say, "I have a feeling about this girl, let's give her a shot. She may not be qualified or have much experience but let's just take a chance on her." And when that happens you best believe there will be praises to the Lord! Because it's the Lord that's in that person's head saying, "This is your girl." And it may take 6 months or a year or even two before I get that call back but I know it's going to happen. God WILL provide. He WILL bring me to something great and perfect. But only in His time. And every rejection letter is just a step closer in His plan. Discouragement will come but so will trust and faith and understanding and strength and patience.

2012 is the Year of Kenna! I can feel it. Can you feel it? Cause I can feel it. And it's awesome!

This marks the beginning of my journey in 2012. Resume sending will continue and prayer will continue and hopefully, before too long, I'll receive not a rejection letter but an acceptance letter. I'm not playing around anymore, people. It's time to make this dream a reality.

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