
Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Whoa. What a hiatus I’ve been on from this blog. Yowzas.

So clearly, I’m not 26 anymore. L

Turns out, I’m 28.

I’m also employed. (Finally. Thank God.)

But still single.

While I could ramble on about the last two years and how so much has happened I’m going to save you the time since most of you reading this lived through it with me. And I thank you tremendously for that.

Anyway, a new development is happening that I have yet to announce to anyone. And it’s a big one so bear down.

I recently made the decision to participate in online dating. Dun dun duuuunnnn.

Yup. It’s happening, folks.

It’s a debate in my head that has been brewing for years but I’ve never been in the financial situation to support such a luxury expense.  Until now. (Don’t for a second think I’m here rolling in the dough cause I’m far from it.)

I’m picking back up this blogging thing to entertain you with my online dating experience because it is sure to amuse the few readers who may come across it as it has done in the past. Like the one about my boobs. Ha. That was a good one.

So here we go!

I fully expect a sarcastic beat down from some of you about this decision but I like to think behind that sarcasm curtain you hold up is curiosity, timidity and fear. At least I’m strong enough to put myself out there with this. So feel free to live vicariously through me and maybe learn a thing or two, possibly about yourself.

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